Monday, May 17, 2010

Houghton Family

Ha oh man I don't even have words to explain this family photo shoot. I love this first picture because it pretty much sums up what the entire shoot was like. :) What a cute little family. Click on the cut off pictures to see the whole shot.DSC_7222
Thanks to Photoshop I was able to get this next shotFamilyDSC_7018DSC_7051DSC_7078DSC_7165DSC_7184DSC_7195DSC_7252DSC_7256How could you not laugh at this one DSC_7268DSC_7303DSC_6983DSC_7000kenadiTylee

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun Fun!

I went with Alyssia the other day to take some of Lindsay's bridals. Lindsay looked B-E-A-Utiful in her wedding dress. Alyssia has been a great mentor with my amateur photography. She showed me some fun stuff on photoshop that I used on Lindsay's pictures. I think they turned out very cute! Congrats Linz! Sorry about the random sizes I was really struggling with the horizontal ones and gave up.
Linz this is the widest your eyes were open on this shot :)

This is what all the horizontal ones were all doing. Ah! So annoying!